Members News

  • Soroptimist International of Europe Statement on Afghanistan

    Soroptimist International of Europe Statement on Afghanistan

    Find the full statement of EWL member Soroptimist International of Europe in English and in Frenchhere.
    The crisis in Afghanistan is a tragedy that goes beyond its borders. Last months have led to a devastating increase of violence towards women in communities and in families. Soroptimist International of Europe (SIE) call the European community to take appropriate measures to safeguard women’s rights and humanitarian needs of the people of Afghanistan.
    In recent years women in Afghanistan (...) Read more

  • Cyber Violence Prevention Work with Youth - Serbia, Croatia, Hungary and Spain

    Cyber Violence Prevention Work with Youth - Serbia, Croatia, Hungary and Spain

    The project “I can choose to say no - Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships” was implemented in 2020 by EWL members and partners in four countries, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Spain, with the goal of gathering data on cyber violence against youth, raising awareness on this wide-spread problem and exploring best ways to address it.
    Within the project, partners in the aforementioned countries conducted (...) Read more

  • Women and Girls Afghan Emergency Call

    Women and Girls Afghan Emergency Call

    Find the full statement of Graduate Women International, members of EWL member University Women Europe, here.
    [19 August 2021] As more and more women and girls in Afghanistan are fearing for their lives and for their human right to have to have quality education (SDG 4), GWI is standing up to have their voices heard in the global space as we have already done for more than 100 years.
    GWI desperately urge all governments and international agencies like UN, INESCO, UNICEF, WTO, ILO, World (...) Read more

  • Women’s Lobby of Slovenia: EU help to Afghan activists and human rights defenders

    Women's Lobby of Slovenia: EU help to Afghan activists and human rights defenders

    Please find below a letter from EWL member Ženski lobi Slovenije - Women’s Lobby of Slovenia to Ms Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
    [24 August 2021]
    EU help to Afghan activists and human rights defenders
    Dear President, Dear Ms von der Leyen,
    We write to you concerning the EU commitment and responsibility to help women activists in Afghanistan. We note with great concern the contradictory positions being taken by the member states regarding the highly important (...) Read more

  • Alcemos nuestras voces por las mujeres afganas y el pueblo de Afganistán

    Alcemos nuestras voces por las mujeres afganas y el pueblo de Afganistán

    Find below the statement of the EWL member LEM España here.
    [Madrid, 23 August 2021] La llegada al poder de los talibán en Afganistán debe hacernos dar un paso adelante y solidarizarnos con la situación a la que se ve abocado el pueblo afgano y muy specialmente las mujeres de Afganistán. Sus derechos humanos se verán vulnerados, no podrán estudiar, ni trabajar ni caminar libremente por la calle. En muchos casos se convertirán en esclavas sexuales. No es solo una amenaza: ya que lo hicieron en el (...) Read more

  • Open Letter to the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Open Letter to the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Find below the statement of the EWL member Czech Women’s Lobby.
    [Prague, 20 August 2021]
    Dear Minister,
    The Czech Women’s Lobby, together with the other 30 member organizations of the European Women’s Lobby, calls on the European Union and all its Member States to take immediate action to ensure the protection of the rights of all women and girls in Afghanistan.
    "We are deeply concerned about the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime. All our thoughts are (...) Read more

  • WILPF: The EU must support an inclusive peace process in Afghanistan now

    WILPF: The EU must support an inclusive peace process in Afghanistan now

    [Berlin, 18 August 2021] The situation in Afghanistan is outrageous. Due to the Taliban takeover, many people are on the run, including women, youth, people belonging to ethnic minorities and the LGBTIQ community, human rights defenders, artists and journalists. Many Afghans are waiting at the airport in Kabul for a chance to leave the country now. Activists and experts have been warning of such a situation for years. We have to recognize that this is a humanitarian crisis where we have to (...) Read more

  • Open Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides

    Open Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides

    Find the full statement of the EWL member Cyprus Women’s Lobby here.
    [Nicosia, 17 August, 2021]
    Honorable Minister,
    The safety of Afghan women and girls should be a fundamental EU priority. We witness another war with tragic victims of women and girls, something we unfortunately know in our country very well. Cyprus Women’s Lobby is concerned about the situation of women in Afghanistan, and the impacts on those who have been the protagonists in the fight for women and girls’ rights in their (...) Read more

  • Women of Afghanistan: Appeal to the Portuguese Government

    Women of Afghanistan: Appeal to the Portuguese Government

    Find the full statement of EWL member Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights here.
    [Lisbon, 16 August 2021] The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, apprehensive about the current situation of women in Afghanistan and the threat facing them from a new extremist Taliban government that disrespects their physical integrity, their human dignity and their most basic rights, urges that, taking into account the existing reception capacity, the Government favorably considers the granting of (...) Read more

  • Statement by ENoMW on the Situation in Afghanistan and the Rights of Afghan Women and Girls

    Statement by ENoMW on the Situation in Afghanistan and the Rights of Afghan Women and Girls

    Afghanistan: Why is the World Silent ?
    Find the full statement of EWL member the European Network of Migrant Women here.
    [Brussels, 16 August 2021] As the US-NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan is brought to a conclusion, the Taliban and their associates have completed their rapid takeover of most administrative centres, provincial capitals, and the capital of Afghanistan. With this, the Taliban forces are eliminating the progress, however frail, made in the last twenty years and turning (...) Read more



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