EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • Josipović primio izaslanstvo Europskoga ženskog lobija

    Predsjednik Republike Ivo Josipović primio je danas izaslanstvo Europskoga ženskog lobija (EWL), najveće ženske mreže u Europi koja u Europskom parlamentu radi na promoviranju ženskih prava i ravnopravnosti među spolovima, a u Zagrebu održava godišnju skupštinu.
    Lobi obuhvaća ženske udruge u svih 27 zemalja članica i tri zemlje kandidatkinje, kao i u 20 europskih tijela i predstavlja više od 2000 organizacija. Od svog osnivanja EWL se bori protiv nasilja nad ženama na europskoj, odnosno nacionalnoj (...) Read more

  • Skupština EWL

    Skupština EWL

    Europski ženski lobi zastupa interese žena promocijom ženskih prava i jednakosti žena i muškaraca u EU
    EWL čini više od 2.000 organizacija iz 30 zemalja – predstavnica 27 sadašnjih članica EU-a te Hrvatske, Makedonije i Turske.
    Europski ženski lobi zastupa interese žena promocijom ženskih prava i jednakosti žena i muškaraca u EU i zemljama koje su na putu ulaska u punopravno članstvo EU-a. Zagreb je kao mjesto održavanja Skupštine izabran na prijedlog Ženske mreže Hrvatske, članice EWL-a, a time je (...) Read more

  • La Belgique, bientot le nouveau paradis des proxénètes?

    La Belgique, bientôt le nouveau paradis des proxénètes ?
    Inquiets devant le développement alarmant du proxénétisme dans leur pays, associations et personnalités ont publié cette tribune le 8 mai 2013 dans le quotidien belge Le Soir. Parmi les signataires, le Lobby européen des femmes, le Conseil des Femmes francophones de Belgique, l’Université des Femmes, et des responsables politiques de premier plan : les parlementaires Véronique de Keyser, Zakia Khattabi, Viviane Teitelbaum, et la ministre Céline (...) Read more

  • How to get more women on boards in Ireland?

    From the National Women’s Council of Ireland
    How can we get more women on boards in Ireland? NWCI Members and Friends Meeting Serap Altinisik, Vivienne Jupp, Sinead Donovan, Fiona O’Connor and Orla O’Connor
    The NWCI, in conjunction with the European Women’s Lobby, recently held a seminar entitled “Women on Boards: The Next Steps”.
    Speakers at the National Women’s Council of Ireland’s seminar on getting women into boardrooms included RTE Board Member Orlaith Carmody, Sinead Donovan from Grant (...) Read more

  • Without James Bond: Women, money and power

    A 2012 historical study covering 85 per cent of the world’s population has proved that women’s organisations were crucial for policy change towards more equal societies; a role that has already been acknowledged by the United Nations in many documents, notably through its Commission on the Status of Women. Yet, the recent economic crisis has led to the financial uncertainty of NGOs and women’s organisations, and Central Europe is no exception to the rule.
    If civil societies in the region of (...) Read more

  • Quotas needed to boost equality in Irish boardrooms, conference told

    Quotas needed to boost equality in Irish boardrooms, conference told.
    Ireland falls behind global average in number of women in senior management positions
    Irish boardrooms could face more than a century of gender inequality unless quotas and initiatives to get women into senior management positions are put in place, according to a meeting held by the National Women’s Council of Ireland yesterday.
    Calls for gender quotas come as the number of women in senior positions in Irish companies (...) Read more

  • Austerity Leaves Domestic Violence Victims Stranded

    Austerity Leaves Domestic Violence Victims Stranded

    BELGRADE, Apr 26 2013 (IPS) - Up to a quarter of women in Europe have experienced domestic violence at some point in their lives, according to the Council of Europe. But despite the widespread nature of the phenomenon, more often than not we ignore it. A short video launched last month in Serbia managed to break this silence.
    At first glance, the clip is just another photo-a-day video popularised on YouTube: photos of a smiling young woman follow one another, offering glimpses of different (...) Read more

  • Mary Collins Femmes : le plafond de verre ? Premières victimes de la crise ?

    500 Millions d’européens, une emission de BFM Business
    Femmes : le plafond de verre ? Premières victimes de la crise ? Mary Collins, lobby européen des femmes, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, eurodéputée UMP, et Florence Autret, journaliste économique ont participee a l’emission de BFM Buisness consacree aux femmes.
    Pour ecouter l’emission, le podcast est disponible ici. Read more

  • Event: "Gender Equality: Is a quota system the best approach?"

    (Brussels 14 March 2013) The hotly debated role of quotas provided the context for a recently held Euractiv workshop. Cecile Greboval of the European Women’s Lobby defended the introduction of quota systems for Europe at the debate, where the question ’Gender Equality: Is a quota system the best approach?’ was debated by Rosalinde Van der Vlies of the European Commission, Kara McGann of IBEC, and Jane Kirk, Director at Armstrong Craven. Euractiv recorded the event and created the (...) Read more

  • One billion rising coverage: Flashmob tegen geweld op vrouwen, Brussels (flemish)

    Op St. Valentijn dansten 500 enthousiaste feministes op het Brusselse Muntplein om op te komen tegen het geweld waarvan 1 miljard vrouwen het slachtoffer zijn.
    Voor de achtergronden van deze actie verwijzen wij naar het artikel Valentijn flashmob in Brussel tegen geweld op vrouwen op deze website.
    Na de flashmob was er een (pers)conferentie in de Gotische zaal van het Stadhuis. Karin Lalieu (PS), Schepen sprak haar steun en waardering uit.voor de actie Zij wees op het belang voor het (...) Read more



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