Monitoring women in politics

  • Time to gear up ahead of the European elections!

    Time to gear up ahead of the European elections!

    [Brussels, 23 April 2014] In four weeks European voters will elect a new European Parliament (EP) and will give a sign what kind of Europe they wish. If you want that women’s rights high on the agenda in the coming five years, take part and join the 5050 campaign.
    The European Women’s Lobby with its 5050 campaign “No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality” ahead of the elections is drawing attention to the under representation of women in policy decision-making positions across (...) Read more

  • What do parties promise to women? A critical evaluation ahead of the elections made by the Hungarian Women’s Lobby

    What do parties promise to women? A critical evaluation ahead of the elections made by the Hungarian Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 2 April 2014] In order to find out who promotes women’s rights and to what extend European core values like gender equality are really respected, the Hungarian Women’s Lobby decided to approach the political parties of their country.
    They sent a questionnaire to all the parties, including questions like if quotas for women in political parties and the economy should be established or how to promote father’s care work in the household and what they think about abortion.
    To read (...) Read more

  • Is this the real face of Europe?

    Is this the real face of Europe?

    European Women’s Lobby calls on political parties all over Europe to promote and ensure equal gender representation
    [Brussels, 12 March 2014] In an effort to reach more voters and to frame the European elections more attractively, for the upcoming May elections the European political parties decided to nominate one top candidate per party, each of which will simultaneously be put forward as candidate for one of the Top Jobs of the European Union’s institutions - President of the European (...) Read more

  • Commissioner Andor signs the EWL 50/50 Campaign and urges support for gender equality as it concerns us all

    Commissioner Andor signs the EWL 50/50 Campaign and urges support for gender equality as it concerns us all

    [Statement of European Commissioner László Andor of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Brussels, 8 March 2014] The past decades have seen unprecedented progress in improving women’s rights and in increasing opportunities for women in all professional sectors. However this does not mean that equality has been achieved.
    Women still fare worse than men on the labour market. On average, women have more part-time jobs, are overrepresented (or underrepresented) in certain occupations or (...) Read more

  • "No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality": Unity in Diversity

    "No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality": Unity in Diversity

    (Brussels, 28 February 2014) On 18 February, the European Women’s Lobby organised a seminar on gender equality and diversity in European Political Life. The seminar "My MEP is just like me?!" was hosted by MEP Claude Moraes (S & D) at the European Parliament in Brussels and was organised within the framework of the EWL 50/50 Campaign for parity democracy in the European Institutions and at national level, and for the integration of gender equality as a priority in all policies. Among (...) Read more

  • Relaunch of the 50/50 Campaigns Lobbying Kit

    Relaunch of the 50/50 Campaigns Lobbying Kit

    (20 February 2014) We are delighted to inform you today about the launch our 50/50 Campaigns’ “No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality” Lobbying Kit ahead of the EU elections in May.
    After we launched it at the beginning of February we had to take it out of all EWL online media due to technical problems. We are happy that we can relaunch it today!
    This Kit serves on the one hand as an Action Kit, facilitating your engagement, and on the other hand as a resource for arguments to (...) Read more

  • The EWL 5050 Campaign gains another prominent supporter: European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding signed the Joint declaration

    [Brussels, 23 January 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to have another prominent supporter of the 5050 campaign No modern Democracy without Gender Equality ahead of the EU elections in May.
    European Commission Vice-President Vivane Reding signed the Joint declaration of the 5050 campaign which demands equal representation of women in all EU institutions. The 5050 campain is supported by a cross party alliance of all parties in the European Parliament which is represented by a (...) Read more

  • My MEP is just like me?/! 18.02.2014

    My MEP is just like me?/! 18.02.2014

    18 FEBRUARY 2014 | 16.15-18.15
    European Parliament A3G2
    This seminar, hosted by MEP Claude Moraes (S&D), moderated by 3 members of the Core Group, aims at promoting the active participation of women as voters and candidates in the European Parliament elections of May 2014 in order to have a more representative, equal and democratic Europe.
    Register here. Read more

  • Prominent supporters of Joint Declaration of 50/50 campaign at Women in Parliaments Brussels Summit

    Prominent supporters of Joint Declaration of 50/50 campaign at Women in Parliaments Brussels Summit

    [Brussels, 6 December 2014] As the European elections of May 2014 are approaching, the EWL is receiving more and more prominent supporters to achieve parity in all EU institutions.
    The EWL is delighted to gain so much support from influential and inspiring personalities for its work to promote equality between women and men for a more democratic, just and fair Europe.
    By signing the Joint Declaration, decision-makers, individuals, organisations and literally everyone can join our efforts (...) Read more

  • Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Prominent Supporter of the 50/50 Campaign

    Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Prominent Supporter of the 50/50 Campaign

    (Brussels, 3 December 2013) The EWL is very honoured to announce the support of Mr. Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, for the EWL’s 50/50 campaign.
    Mr. Henri Malosse words of support:
    It is high time that gender equality becomes a reality in the European institutions! Now and not in 50 years! Read more



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