EWL press coverage

Press coverage newspapers icon Copies of some of the press coverage our work has received.

  • EWL on the Belgian TV speaking about the case of pimp Dodo La Saumure

    EWL on the Belgian TV speaking about the case of pimp Dodo La Saumure

    [Brussels 20 September 2013] The case of the pimp called ’Dodo la Saumure’ has gripped Belgium, with the person at the centre of the case requesting that his human rights be respected. On Thursday 19 September, he was interviewed to defend his case, pretexting that the absence of strong Belgian policy against pimping should be an argument to not convict him. EWL Policy Officer Pierrette Pape has been interviewed to react to his words, and spoke on the RTBF news on Thursday evening.
    Should (...) Read more

  • Civil society urges decision-makers to step up action to tackle health inequalities

    On the occasion of two major recent reports reviewing trends and progress on health inequalities in Europe – by the European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe – the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and its partners are calling for urgent and concerted action among all relevant actors to close the huge, persistent and growing health divide between the richest and the poorest in our societies. Despite this issue being high on political agendas for the last 10 years, only (...) Read more

  • Rada Borić tells Libela how we need your support!

    Rada Borić tells Libela how we need your support!

    Najveća mreža europskih ženskih organizacija Europski ženski lobi treba pomoć građanki i građana kako bi mogao nastaviti s radom.
    Naime, ekonomska kriza u Europi trostruko je pogodila žene - smanjivanjem broja zaposlenih/poslova u sektorima u kojima dominiraju žene, ukidanjem socijalnih prava, pa slijedom toga pogođena su i tijela/mehanizmi za promicanje rodne ravnopravnosti.
    "Europski ženski lobi je od svojega osnutka većim dijelom bio sufinanciran (do 80 posto ponekad) od Europske komisije, koja, (...) Read more

  • ‘Shocking’ rape statistics need EU-wide response

    All countries in the EU have criminalised rape but each country has a different definition of what actually constitutes a sexual attack – now a single Europe-wide strategy is needed, writes British MEP
    A survey published yesterday looking at the level of sexual crimes against British tourists in the Mediterranean has produced some terrifying results that need to be addressed immediately. The research revealed that British tourists are eight times more likely to be raped on holiday in (...) Read more

  • Uczestnicy debaty: karanie klientów sposobem na walk? z prostytucj?

    Karanie za korzystanie z us?ug prostytutek mo?e by? skutecznym sposobem na walk? z tym zjawiskiem; jego skala si? zmniejszy, gdy zmniejszy si? popyt - przekonywali uczestnicy debaty zorganizowanej we wtorek przez Polskie Lobby Kobiet.
    Szacuje si?, ?e roczny dochód z prostytucji to ok. 200 mld dolarów; w ci?gu roku sutener mo?e zarobi? ok. 100 tys. euro na ka?dej z pracuj?cych dla niego kobiet. To dochodowa "ga??? przemys?u" i coraz cz??ciej s?yszy si? o pomys?ach, ?eby j? opodatkowa?, jednak (...) Read more

  • Les manquements européens en matière de viols

    Les manquements européens en matière de viols

    Le Lobby Européen des Femmes (LEF), coupole de plus de 2.000 associations féministes européennes, a présenté mardi au Parlement Européen son Baromètre 2013 consacré au viol. Les experts de l’Observatoire du LEF sur la violence envers les femmes ont analysé les actions mises en place par 32 pays européens en matière de lutte contre le viol. La Belgique, comme beaucoup d’autres pays, apparaît en retard quant à sa législation et ses statistiques. Quelque 4.038 viols y ont ainsi été recensés en 2011.
    Le (...) Read more

  • "EU-landen scoren slecht op wetgeving over verkrachting"

    De meerderheid van de Europese landen doet het niet goed wat betreft de Europese regelgeving omtrent verkrachting. Dat blijkt uit de barometer van de European Women’s Lobby (EWL) over verkrachting.
    EWL onderzocht hoe het gesteld is met de wetgeving rond verkrachting in de 32 Europese lidstaten. De minimumstandaard daarvoor is vastgelegd in het Verdrag van de Raad van Europa inzake de voorkoming en bestrijding van geweld tegen vrouwen en huiselijk geweld, ook wel het verdrag van Istanboel (...) Read more

  • "Europa scoort slecht op wetgeving over verkrachting"

    De meerderheid van de Europese landen doet het niet goed wat betreft de Europese regelgeving omtrent verkrachting. Dat blijkt uit de barometer van de European Women’s Lobby (EWL) over verkrachting.
    EWL onderzocht hoe het gesteld is met de wetgeving rond verkrachting in verschillende Europese landen. De minimumstandaard daarvoor is vastgelegd in het verdrag van de Raad van Europa inzake de voorkoming en bestrijding van geweld tegen vrouwen en huiselijk geweld, ook wel het Verdrag van (...) Read more

  • Gender-based violence, EU countries’ legislation still lags behind

    Posted on 18 June 2013 by Redazione, for EuNews.it by Letizia Pascale
    According to a survey of the European Women’s Lobby, only five states, including Italy, respect the Istanbul Convention. They lack even in the collection of data regarding the phenomenon.
    Photo by Roberto Rognoni for “Quelli di Grock”
    In the fight to prevent violence against women – on paper at least, Italy is among the top of the class. Our country is one of the few in Europe with legislation that meets the minimum (...) Read more

  • FROM THE WAR ON TERROR TO AUSTERITY: A lost decade for women and human rights

    A recurring theme at the Nobel Women’s Initiative conference in Belfast has been a reflection on the last decade in terms of its global impact on women and human rights. A picture emerged of a period wherein the excuse of ‘war on terror’ as a justificatory narrative for exclusivist identities, state violence and violence against women gave way to official austerity narratives that, in their own way, entrench inequalities and disempower women. Central to the decade was the elevation of the (...) Read more



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